How We Choose Our Charities2Love

What we do

We only list the charities on behalf of which we would volunteer our own time.

How we do that

Thru intense study of a charity’s website/social media pages, interviews (personal or via detailed information forms) with a charity’s leadership team, and from personal experiences or feedback from other trusted individuals, we conclude that the charity:

A. Will provide regular volunteer opportunities (i.e. volunteer sustainability)

B. Will engage in ongoing service to the community (i.e. mission sustainability)

C. Falls under one of our focus categories

How often do we review this information

We aim to review each charity’s information at least yearly.  Therefore, at any given time, we cannot guarantee that the information we surface about charities is accurate and updated.

What we do not do

We do not receive any compensation for listing charities or for directly or indirectly contributing to financial or non-financial support our users provide to charities.

We do not review a charity’s financial statements, nor do we analyze the percentage of financial donations that go to administrative expenses.

We do not guarantee that all information found on a charity’s website or social media pages is accurate

For further information and disclaimers, please review our Terms and Conditions