Your donation creates a ripple of positivity and hope in our local community.
At Charities2Love, we are dedicated to promoting volunteerism in our communities by raising awareness of charities and causes.
Your donation goes directly toward our local volunteer and awareness programs, which in turn helps nonprofits serve vulnerable populations.
With your support, we can make a significant impact in the lives of those in need and strengthen the fabric of our communities.
Together, we can turn awareness into action and inspire meaningful change.
Donate securely via your
preferred method of payment
by credit card, bank transfer, Apple/Google Pay
Please note that our payment platform (Zeffy) defaults to add a donation to them during payment. They do this because 100% of donations from their platform go to non-profits. Making an additional donation to Zeffy is optional, and you can change the default to any amount, including $0.

by Zelle: scan QR Code or email to donation@charities2love.org
To learn more about our impact, scroll through the presentation below!
Serving the Community About Us Slides by Maitry Shah
We are 100% volunteer driven. Therefore, 100% of your donation goes towards supporting our mission.
Charities2Love is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.
We are immensely grateful for your support. Thank you.