Highlights of Volunteering Events: 2024

Find Your Cause Volunteering Opportunities

2024 Events

Cause: homelessness

Snack Bags for those expriencing homelessness Volunteer Event by Kids Social Impact

Date: December 14, 2024

Location: Southlake, TX

The amazing group of kids (and their parents) from KIds Social Impact spent their Saturday morning to put together a whopping #523 snack bags for those experiencing homelessness!!

In addition, the group spent time bringing awareness to this cause by talking about what homelessness is and  had each child introduce themselves and explain why they give back.  What an incredible learning experience for the next generation! Thank you Niki Shah for collaborating with Charities2Love for your project and delivering the snack bags to our charity partners.  We are inspired by your #leadership and #service!




Volunteer Hours


Snack Bags Made


Nonprofit Collaborations

Cause: seniors

Delivering “Baskets of Cheer” Volunteer Event

Date: December 1-15, 2024

Location: Richardson, TX

Charities2Love volunteers coordinated delivering “Baskets of Cheer” to 15 seniors this holiday season! Along with the beautiful collapsible baskets, seniors received a personalized gift and a reusable bag packed to the brim with food, staples, and toiletry items. The seniors were identified by Serving Our Seniors, and the baskets had been beautifully prepared by our volunteers at our October 26th Volunteer Event! We could not have done this multi-faceted and detailed holiday outreach without our incredible volunteers! Read about a volunteer’s experience in the inspiring blog, “A Holiday Service Experience with My Daughter: Spreading Cheer to a Senior“.




Total Baskets, Bags, and Personalized Gifts


Items given per senior


per senior spent

Cause: children & hunger

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Volunteer Event

Date: November 30, 2024

Location: Richardson, TX

Charities2Love volunteers took time out of their Thanksgiving holidays to serve at Feed My Starving Children! They created 91 boxes filled with “Manna Packs” , which will provide 19,656 meals! A huge thank you to our team leads Shikha and Diya Bapat, in addition to all of the volunteers!




Boxes Packed


Kids fed for ONE YEAR


Meals provided

Cause: hunger

Wellpoint: CORPORATE Volunteer Event

Date: November 19, 2024

Location: Grand Prairie, TX

Charities2Love and Wellpoint collaborated for a peanut butter sandwich making volunteer event! 35 Wellpoint Employees made 800+ PBJ sandwiches, which were distributed to Caring Compassionate Hearts and Helping Hands, Grand Prarie Homeless Outreach Organization, and Mission Arlington.




PBJ Sandwiches Made


Local Nonprofits Served



Cause: Women


Date: November, 2024

Location: Virtual

Charities2Love hosted a virtual volunteer event with Elevance employees from all over the country! They crafted bracelets with empowering messages and wrote out handwritten notes to women in domestic violence shelters. These bracelets will be sent to our charity partner, Hagar’s Heart, to be used in their “I See You” boxes.




Bracelets Collected


Handwritten Notes



Cause: hunger

Kids Matter

Date: November 2, 2024

Location: Southlake, TX

Charities2Love participated in the “Around the Block” (ATB) shopping program put on annually by Kids Matter. Our volunteers shopped with under resourced kids and their families and helped them maximize their $100 gift cards at the Kohl’s in Southlake, TX. More information about Kids Matter can be found in our nonprofit spotlight and on the “A Child’s Hope” video , that includes our founder!


C2L Volunteers


Total C2L Volunteer Hours


Total Volunteers


Kids served annually in the ATB program

Cause: hunger

North Texas Food Bank

Date: September/October 2024

Location: DFW Area, TX

Charities2Love participated in “Hunger Action Month”, which started in September! We extended the drive until October at the request of charity partners. Our donations will be added to the HungerMitao initative totals! Thank you to all that donated towards the drive and helped us make our drive successful, including Under My Umbrella, St. Ignatious Church, and the Bapat Family.




PB Jars Collected


Pounds Collected


Meals Provided

Cause: Seniors

Serving Our Seniors

Date: October 26, 2024

Location: Coppell, TX

Charities2Love created “Baskets of Cheer” for seniors to be distributed during the Christmas holiday season! Volunteers worked diligently to write out cards, wrap gifts, and fill baskets and reusable grocery bags with canned goods, pantry items, toiletries, stamps, and other useful items totaling $130 per basket! They also wrapped personalized gifts that were requested by the seniors! All of the baskets will be distributed to seniors identified by this local nonprofit. More information can be found on their website and in our nonprofit spotlight.

Mighty team of volunteers
Our volunteers of all ages!
Thank you C2L volunteers!




Total Volunteer Hours


Items in each basket


Total amount donated for baskets

Cause: Women

Hagar’s Heart

Date: October 5, 2024

Location: Southlake, TX

Charities2Love had a great volunteering event In collaboration with Hagars Heart (HH) to support women in shelters during #domesticviolence awareness month! 40 volunteers crafted unique bracelets with positive messages, beautiful handwritten cards, and helped pack “I See You “boxes that will be delivered to local domestic violence  shelters by Hagars Heart. We also brought awareness to Chetna, a nonprofit that has been serving those affected by domestic violence in the south Asian community since 2005.  More information can be found on their website. Learn more in our blog from last year’s volunteering event with HH.

CHETNA Awareness
Thank you C2L volunteers!




Total Volunteer Hours


“I See You” boxes packed


Local domestic violence shelters served

Cause: homelessness

Virtual Snack Bag Drive

Date: June-September 2024

Location: Dallas, TX

Incredible Charities2Love volunteers helped their neighbors experiencing homelessness by making snack bags at home! FIlled with multiple snacks, several drinks, and a handmade card, these volunteers brought nourishment and a smile to the recipients. Our nonprofit partners shared many sweet stories – see some in the pictures they have shared at the link below. Thanks to all of our volunteers!




Nonprofit Collaborations


Snack Bags Made


Individuals Served

Cause: hunger

The Stewpot

Date: September 21,, 2024

Location: Dallas, TX

Charities2Love volunteers joined other volunteers early on a Saturday morning in downtown Dallas to make a difference for families dealing with hunger in our community! 12 volunteers packed dozens of boxes of canned, packaged, frozen and fresh food. Once the boxes were filled, they were sealed and distributed to local families via Door Dash, which partners with The Stewpot. We enjoyed a tour of the facilites as well! Thanks to all of our volunteers! Read about a volunteer’s experience in the inspiring blog by Dilan Shah: “Kindness in the City: A Volunteer’s Experience at the Stewpot“.

Thank you C2L Volunteers!




Total Volunteer Hours


Boxes of food packed


Individuals Served

Cause: cancer patients & homelessness

Granite Properties CORPORATE Volunteer Event

Date: September 20, 2024

Location: Plano, TX

Charities2Love and 30+ incredible Granite Properties employees volunteered their time to make 250 bags filled with unique items for those with Leukemia and those experiencing homelessness! Representatives from Leukemia Texas and Under My Umbrella came to the event to share about their nonprofits and bring awareness to their cause. A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who took time out of their workday to make a huge difference in our local community!

Thank you Granite Volunteers!




Comfort Care Kits made for Leukemia Texas


Hygiene Bags made for Under My Umbrella


spent on items donated by Granite Properties

Cause: hunger in children

Turn Hunger into Hope with Feed My Starving Children

Date: August 17, 2024

Location: Dallas, TX

More than 65 Charities2Love volunteers joined hundreds of other volunteers to support Feed My Starving Children’s (FMSC) “Turn Hunger Into Hope” Mega Volunteer Event! Our volunteers ranged in age from 6 to 86, with different tasks available according to their ability and skill. We learned how the “Manna Packs” that we made will be used, and even got a shoutout for being one of the larger groups attending! The impact of the whole weekend by all of the volunteers was more than 1 million meals! We are so proud to be a part of it. Read about a volunteer’s experience and learn more about FMSC in our blog “Turn Hunger into Hope, Feeding Children Worldwide“.

Getting ready to volunteer
After volunteering – thank you!!




Boxes Made




Kids fed a daily meal for a year

Cause: under-resourced children

Backpacks/Bags & School Supplies for Back to School

Date: July 13, 2024

Location: Coppell, TX

Almost 75 Charities2Love volunteers brought donations in and filled 120 backpacks and bags for 3 local organizations: Heart House, Genesis Women’s Shelter, and Grapevine Outreach. We also learned about Kid’s Matter since they came out to volunteer and talk about the impact of this volunteering event! The bags were filled with essential school supplies by our volunteers and donors, with beautiful handmade cards attached. Thank you to everyone who supported this impactful volunteering event! Read about a volunteer’s experience in the blog “How small contributions make a big impact and change lives“.




Backpacks & Bags filled with school supplies


Essential supplies in each bag


collaborations throughout the community

Cause: children in crisis

Hugs for Hope Bags collaboration with Color me SAFE Foundation

Date: April 13, 2024

Location: Coppell, TX

More than 70 Charities2Love and Color me SAFE volunteers brought donations in and made 80 “Hugs for Hope Bags” for 3 local nonprofits: Heart House, New Horizons of North Texas, and CASA of Tarrant County, and handmade cards for Cards for Cubs. We also learned about Guardians of the Children! The bags were filled with thoughtful items by our volunteers and donors, with beautiful handmade cards attached. In addition, Vaishnav Milan of Texas, a local nonprofit, donated all of the fidget toys and Hindi’s Libraries, a nonprofit in New York, donated all of the books! A huge thank you to everyone who supported this impactful volunteering event! Read about a volunteer’s experience in the blog by Pankti Shah “The Life-Changing Impact of Community Service: My Personal Experience“.

We also celebrated our 1 year anniversary – learn more in our founder’s blog about the highlights of our launch year!




Hugs for Hope bags made


Handmade Cards


nonprofit collaborations

Cause: homelessness

Granite Properties CORPORATE Volunteer Event

Date: April 2, 2024

Location: Plano, TX

Charities2Love and 62 incredible Granite Properties employees volunteered their time to make over 700 PBJ Sandwiches for Austin Street Center (ASC), a homeless shelter in Dallas, TX. It was a wonderful way to celebrate National PBJ Day and the start of Global Volunteer Month! A huge thank you to all of the volunteers!




PBJ Sandwiches made


donation from Granite Properties to ASC


lunch services provided

Cause: childhood cancer

Leukemia Texas Buddy Bags

Date: March 2, 2024

Location: Southlake, TX

More than 40 Charities2Love volunteers brought donations in and made 100 “Buddy Bags’ in collaboration with Leukemia Texas. The reusable string bags were filled with 18 thoughtful items, including a blanket, markers, crayons, colored pencils, activity books, play-doh, stuffed animal, and handwritten notes. Warm blankets were generously donated by an anonymous donor. In addition, Vaishnav Milan of Texas, a local nonprofit, donated all of the fidget toys and Hindi’s Libraries donated all of the books! A huge thank you to all of our donors and volunteers! Learn more in our blog article by Raki Shah “The Power of the Small: Empowering Kids with Cancer“.




Buddy bags made


items in the bag


nonprofit collaborations

Cause: homelessness

AA RPT Team CORPORATE Volunteering Event

Date: February 27, 2024

Location: Fort Worth, TX

Charities2Love‘s first event as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization was with the Revenue and Planning Technology (RPT) Team at American Airlines. 50 Team members gathered to make 1,200 sandwiches for 430 Austin Street Center clients, collected shelf stable snacks, and generously donated $500 to Charities2Love!




PBJ Sandwiches Made


shelf stable snacks


lunch services provided

Cause: hunger

Tarrant Area Food Bank

Date: February 3, 2024

Location: Fort Worth, TX

Charities2Love and Texas Exes Fort Worth Chapter (for Project Worldwide) collaborated to give back at Tarrant Area Food Bank! Almost 60 volunteers packaged over 4,000 5lb bags of apples, for a total of 19,000 pounds. A total of 16,000 meals were prepared by the group in less than 3 hours to make a huge impact for their hungry neighbors. Tarrant Area Food Bank serves Tarrant County and 12 surrounding counties. Learn more in our blog about why volunteering at a food bank matters!




5 lb bags of apples





Cause: homelessness

AA IEBRG CORPORATE Volunteering Event

Date: January 23, 2024
Location: Fort Worth, TX

More than 40 American Airlines Indian Employee Business Resource Group volunteers came together and made 600+ PBJ sandwiches, collected 150+ snacks., and wrote out 40 heartfelt notes for those experiencing homelessness. This volunteering event was in honor of India’s Republic Day. All of the items were dropped off to Austin Street Center in Dallas, TX by Charities2Love. Austin Street Center expressed their gratitude to the AA IEBERG and C2L for their generosity.




PBJ Sandwiches Made


Handwritten Notes


Shelf Stable Snacks Collected

Cause: homelessness

MLK Volunteering Event

Date: January 13, 2024
Location: Irving, TX

More than 40 Charities2Love volunteers came together and made 500+ PBJ sandwiches, 300+ gallon sized snack bags, and 100 brown bags for Under My Umbrella (beautifully decorated by our young volunteers) filled with a drink/sandwich/snacks.  We also collected 25+ winter clothing items.  Thank you to Patricia RIgsby-Scott (founder of Caring Compassionate Hearts and Helping Hands), IrvingHomeless.Com, and Helping Around Town (HAT) for coming, distributing, and sharing resources with Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach.




PBJ Sandwiches Made


Snack/Lunch Bags Made


Winter Clothing Items Collected


Nonprofit Collaborations