From the Heart: Give to Charities You Love

If you’ve lived in North Texas for any amount of time, then it is inevitable that you will have heard of “Giving Day” around the time that kids go back to school.  If you work for an organization that matches donations, you may be familiar with this day as well.  But for the rest of us, it may be something you have vaguely heard about…or not. Either way, you may be wondering: what is “Giving Day”? and why is it a big deal?

Giving time: volunteering through Charities2Love

Earlier this year, we launched Charities2Love to inspire volunteers to find causes and charities they are passionate about. We offer unique volunteer opportunities so that people can give their time and talents to the nonprofits that need them.  We provide:

  • volunteer opportunities for different causes around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex
  • opportunities to connect with and directly hear from the organization’s founders and leaders about their nonprofit and their needs
  • ways to give volunteers of all ages the satisfaction of “doing something” for causes they are passionate about
  • a platform for nonprofits to bring awareness to their mission
Charities2Love’s Volunteers at their PBJ Sandwich Making Event to support Under My Umbrella and Austin Street Center (both nonprofits are participants in NTX Giving Day)

Giving money: donating through North Texas Giving Day

In addition to needing volunteers, it is also necessary for nonprofit organizations to receive financial donations so that they can survive and thrive. Giving Day helps fill that gap.

North Texas Giving Day (NTX Giving Day) is an annual online giving event – the largest community-wide giving event in the country! It gives you an opportunity to support your community by donating to nonprofits in 20 counties in North Texas using one easy platform.  It was created in 2009 by The Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) as a tool to help donors find and donate to local nonprofits.  In the last 15 years, $500+ million has been raised for thousands of nonprofits!  What a remarkable impact.

Why Participate in North Texas Giving Day

While you can donate on your own to a nonprofit anytime, giving via North Texas Giving Day is especially suited for those who may not know where to donate and are seeking to make informed decisions. Their motto to #findyourpassion and #givewithpurpose resonates with many donors.

They even offer a wonderful free donor toolkit that you can download to help you identify your passion and values. 

Scheels Celebrates NTX Giving Day at Grandscape 2 (credit Can Turkyilmaz)

How to Participate in North Texas Giving Day

This year’s North Texas Giving Day is on September 21, 2023, with early giving that started on September 1st.  This means you can donate to a charity on the North Texas Giving Online Platform from now until  September 21st.

The online platform allows you to: search for a nonprofit profile page for more than 3,300 nonprofits, choose to “donate” or “fundraise” for a nonprofit, and see if your donation is matched.  You can even give to multiple nonprofits and checkout only one time.  The 2.49% fee for gifts made through North Texas Giving Day can be avoided by opening a charitable fund through CFT.

Be inspired! Learn about nonprofits on Charities2Love 

For further guidance to learn about nonprofits, you can browse the growing list of charities on Charities2Love, many of whom participate in NTX Giving Day. Each nonprofit has a page, or “Charity Snapshot”, that falls into one of our six focus areas.  The Charity Snapshots provide a quick overview about a nonprofit’s mission and ways to support them, especially through volunteering.

Learn if a nonprofit has volunteer opportunities for kids, families, and whether they offer the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). There is even a section for our “Charities2Love Insights” to give you an insider’s view on the nonprofit.

Read our blog articles for inspiration and discover ideas to fit volunteering into your life! Sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities and subscribe to keep up with our latest happenings.

Give abundantly to Charities YOU love

Whether you choose to participate in NTX Giving Day, donate to your favorite charity on your own on another day, or volunteer with the precious commodity of your time, it all adds up for a charity in need.

Giving abundantly to the nonprofits that are close to your heart is crucial for them to continue to serve every day of the year.  Let’s bring hope and build a better community for all.